AIRWORX provides air conditioning maintenance in all of the NSW area. Regular maintenance is vital for all air conditioning systems to optimise performance, prevent breakdowns and boost energy efficiency. Systems that go without maintenance typically lose 5% efficiency every year.
Failing to service your air conditioning units can also cause dirty filters and blockages in your system. These can cause the units to short cycle and consume much more energy, as well as leading to freezing and water leaks. AIRWORX carry out planned and reactive maintenance, whether we’ve installed your system or not. Maintenance visits vary depending on your system, environment and the work that needs doing. Maintenance will always include:·How the system is performing and address any concerns·Clean filters, airways and evaporator coils·Inspect electrical wiring·Test and clean condensate drains·Check refrigerant levels and pressure, identifying any leaks·Check compressor amperage·Inspect insulation and pipework·Clean and sanitise all units (annually)·Test system in heating and cooling modes·Complete service report